No Shortcuts for the Righteous

David warned worshipers not to envy evildoers when their lives seemed prosperous. We must learn to trust God for His provision and forsake any unrighteous shortcuts during challenging times.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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No Shortcuts for the Righteous

David warned worshipers not to envy evildoers when their lives seemed prosperous. We must learn to trust God for His provision and forsake any unrighteous shortcuts during challenging times.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Psalm 37

Don’t Envy the Unrighteous [Ps. 37:1-11]

  • Don’t envy unrighteous people, because while their present might seem pleasurable, their future is painful (37:2, 8-10).
  • When you delight yourself in the LORD, He gives you the desires of your heart because they finally align with His (37:4).
  • No matter what others are experiencing around you, trust in the LORD’s timing(37:3) and commit to the LORD’s guiding (37:5).

Don’t Rush the Unrighteous [Ps. 37:12-20]

  • God laughs at the prideful assumptions of short-sighted, wicked people (37:13).
  • It is better to be righteous and have a little than it is to be unrighteous and have a lot (37:16).

Don’t Become Like the Unrighteous [Ps. 37:21-31]

  • God will never forsake His righteous children (37:25).
  • Don’t allow your jealousy of the unrighteous to lead you to justify your own unrighteousness (37:27-28).

Don’t Fear the Unrighteous [Ps. 37:32-40]

  • Your enemies’ attempts to ruin you cannot outdo God’s promises to keep you (37:32-34).
  • The only type of refuge that will endure comes from the LORD (37:39-40).

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