Wonderful Counselor

In a world full of conflicting advice, Jesus eagerly points us in wise directions. Not only are we blessed by hearing His guidance but by obeying His counsel.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Wonderful Counselor

In a world full of conflicting advice, Jesus eagerly points us in wise directions. Not only are we blessed by hearing His guidance but by obeying His counsel.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Luke 6:46-49

Isaiah’s Prophecy

  • Our hearts gravitate towards neglecting Christ while we celebrate Christmas.
  • Jesus is the fulfillment of ancient prophecy and the answer for current unrest.
  • This prophecy answers four of society’s critical questions:
  1. Can I trust Jesus’ teaching?
  2. Is Jesus really God?
  3. Does Jesus even care for me?
  4. Is Jesus able to make peace out of this mess?

Jesus’ Teaching

  • As the Wonderful Counselor, Jesus offers incomparable guidance.
  • Referring to Jesus as Lord is not the same as obeying Him as Lord (6:46).
  • All encounter storms, but only some of us make it through them (6:47-49).
  • The difference between a home’s preservation and its devastation is not the amount of information but the degree of application (6:47-49).

Our Application

  • Are you unable to follow Jesus’ counsel because you invite opposing advisers?
  • Is your life in disarray because you don’t know Jesus’ will or because you have refused to follow it?
  • Is there something in Jesus’ past that makes you think He can’t navigate your future?

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