Everlasting Father

Due to the frailties of earthly fathers, many people struggle to embrace God as a Heavenly Father. If you have ever wanted to know what God the Father is like, look no further than His Son.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Everlasting Father

Due to the frailties of earthly fathers, many people struggle to embrace God as a Heavenly Father. If you have ever wanted to know what God the Father is like, look no further than His Son.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
John 14:1-11

Why the Fatherhood of God Is Important

  • If God wanted us to approach Him as a boss, Jesus would have come as a worker.
  • If God wanted us to view Him as a general, Jesus would have come as a soldier.
  • If God wanted us to treat Him as an idea, Jesus would have come as a philosopher.
  • Since God wanted us to engage with Him as a Father, Jesus came as a Son.
  • The greatest hindrance in understanding your Heavenly Father might be processing the baggage of your earthly father.
  • The greatest cure to your religious distance would be to learn how to embrace God as your Dad.

What Jesus Taught About the Father

  • Our instabilities bring us fear, but God’s faithfulness offers us courage (14:1; cf. 13:21-38).
  • Jesus described heaven as a spacious house provided by an intentional Father (14:2-3).
  • There is no way to go, no truth to know, and no life to grow outside of Jesus (14:4-7).
  • The best way to understand the heart of the Father is by learning from the life of His Son (14:8-11).

How Jesus Showed Us the Father

  • Your Father knows all about your issues and still wants you anyway.
  • Your Father is aware of all your hurts and still wants you to talk to Him about it.
  • Your Father is able to protect you from anything or anyone who threatens you.
  • Your Father is intentional to seek you even when you neglect Him.
  • Your Father is willing to discipline you with temporal means for your eternal benefit.
  • Your Father is working behind the scenes for your good.
  • Your Father never minds getting His hands dirty to clean up your mess.
  • Your Father is never bothered by a single one of your needs.
  • Your Father has an everlasting commitment to you, so you never have to fear being abandoned

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