Prince Of Peace

In a world where chaos abounds, where are we to find peace? Following Jesus provides the only path to experiencing unshakable peace.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Prince Of Peace

In a world where chaos abounds, where are we to find peace? Following Jesus provides the only path to experiencing unshakable peace.
December 29, 2019
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Luke 1:67-79

Peaceful Promise [John 14:25-26]

  • The Father sent the Son to show us the path, and He sent the Spirit to keep us upon it.
  • The Holy Spirit assists us in gradual comprehension and crucial remembrance.

Peaceful Presence [John 14:27]

  • There is a different type of peace that the world promises than what Jesus provides.
  • A peaceful disciple can acknowledge trouble without being overwhelmed by it.

Peaceful Perseverance [John 14:28-31]

  • Since Satan is unable to defeat Jesus, he focuses his strategy on disrupting this world.
  • We must learn to interpret the troubles of this day by the triumph of the last day.

Following Jesus provides the only path to experiencing unshakable peace.

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