Government and God’s People

No matter how a government treats Christians, Scripture commands us to respond in God-honoring ways. God has made His will very clear regarding how we should respond to civil authorities.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Government and God’s People

No matter how a government treats Christians, Scripture commands us to respond in God-honoring ways. God has made His will very clear regarding how we should respond to civil authorities.
October 6, 2024
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
1 Peter 2:13-17


  • The conceptual separation of church and state was not intended to silence the religious but to limit the government. 
  • The Church is not intended to take its cues from the culture on how we should live.
  • Jesus is concerned with not only what we believe but how we uphold it.

Command (2:13-16)

  • How we submit to the government indicates our type of devotion to the Lord (2:13).
  • The ideal situation is a reasonable government commending righteous disciples for improving the social fabric (2:14).
  • God isn’t expecting us to overthrow the government but to influence the culture (2:15).
  • Do not mistake your Christian freedom as a license for ungodly behavior (2:16).

Checklist (2:17)

  • “Honor everyone” – Show unbiased dignity to all
  • “Love the brothers and sisters” – Show familial love to the church
  • “Fear God” – Show prioritized allegiance to God
  • “Honor the emperor” – Show intentional respect to officeholders


  • I will vote as if my ballot is the deciding factor.
  • I will not support what God opposes.
  • I will not employ hateful speech, in person or online, to those who think differently than me.
  • I will pray and respect those in office, even if they’re not my preferred candidate.
  • I will not surrender the global church’s task to a political party’s agenda.

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