Jesus and Our Jobs

Our jobs will be difficult, but we don’t have to make them extra complex by misaligned behavior. Look to Christ as the guide for responding to challenging work environments.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Jesus and Our Jobs

Our jobs will be difficult, but we don’t have to make them extra complex by misaligned behavior. Look to Christ as the guide for responding to challenging work environments.
October 13, 2024
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
1 Peter 2:18-25


  • Work is not a result of the Fall – frustration with work is.
  • Biblical servanthood is not equivalent to our concept of modern-day slavery.


  • Your type of reaction at work should have nothing to do with the quality of your boss (2:18).
  • God notices when you represent Him well in the workplace (2:19).
  • If you receive punishment, let it be mistreatment rather than consequences (2:20).
  • It shouldn’t be a stretch for someone following Jesus to suffer unjustly (2:21).
  • Jesus never sought payback for His enemies but trusted His Father for the settlement (2:22-23).
  • The Righteous One took on our sin so that the sinful ones could obtain His righteousness (2:24).
  • Those who are genuinely saved should be walking differently now (2:25).


  • You should not act one way in worship and another in the workplace.
  • Work with such eagerness and excellence that you aren’t to blame for any drama.
  • Our salvation should make it simple to respect bosses and employees who don’t deserve it.
  • Treat your workplace as a missional outpost.
  • Receive the gospel so that your eternity is secure and your vocation has purpose.

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