Who Your Spouse Needs You to Be

When marital expectations are unmet, we often blame our spouses instead of looking to ourselves for any needed changes. Discover who your spouse needs you to be and make any adjustments necessary for a healthier marriage.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Who Your Spouse Needs You to Be

When marital expectations are unmet, we often blame our spouses instead of looking to ourselves for any needed changes. Discover who your spouse needs you to be and make any adjustments necessary for a healthier marriage.
October 20, 2024
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
1 Peter 3:1-7
  • My marriage cannot change if I stay the same.

Husbands Need Respectful Wives (3:1-6)

  • A woman’s submission isn’t to all men but to the one she trusted to marry (3:1).
  • Men respond to an example better than an exhortation (3:1). 
  • Wives shouldn’t stop being righteous and respectful in their attempts to see similar traits in their husbands (3:2).
  • It requires more work to beautify one’s character than appearance (3:3).
  • The woman that obtains her husband’s attention isn’t demanding it from everyone else (3:4).
  • Submission places a wife’s confidence in the trustworthy God even when her husband is unreliable (3:5-6).

Wives Need Considerate Husbands (3:7)

  • How a husband treats his wife determines the ease she submits to him.
  • It is hard to prove love to someone that you don’t attempt to understand.
  • A considerate husband protects any vulnerable area regarding his wife.
  • Any comments or actions that devalue one’s wife are an offense to God.
  • God can expect something different from men and women yet love them the same.
  • Do not expect your Father to listen to the voice of one who disregards His daughter.

  • Men want a peaceful wife; women desire an intentional husband.
  • Husbands long to be respected; wives crave to be understood.

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