The Destruction of Adultery

The temptation of adultery does a masterful job of highlighting the momentary pleasure while disguising the long-term pain. You must be careful to avoid a trap of falling for anyone who does not belong to you.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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The Destruction of Adultery

The temptation of adultery does a masterful job of highlighting the momentary pleasure while disguising the long-term pain. You must be careful to avoid a trap of falling for anyone who does not belong to you.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Proverbs 6:20-35

God wants to give you blessings that adultery guarantees to take from you.

Repeating “the Talk” (6:20-23)

  • Parental rules should originate from biblical principles (6:20).
  • One talk from parents about purity cannot compete with the million messages they receive from culture (6:21).
  • Ensure that your lessons emphasize the need and the blessing of obedience (6:22-23).

Realizing the Progression (6:24-29)

  • Words – Flirtatious communication is the beginning of inappropriate relationships (6:24).
  • Looks – Unrestrained gazing is deepening an obsession that longs for physical culmination (6:25).
  • Actions – Adulterous progression leads to embracing a forbidden relationship and estranging a forever commitment (6:26-29).

Recognizing the Consequences (6:30-35)

  • Your Family – You do irreversible damage to your family when choosing someone else over them (6:30-31).
  • Yourself – The worst thing you can do for yourself is always putting your temporal desires first (6:32).
  • Your Reputation – You may receive forgiveness for adultery, but your reputation will never be free from its consequences (6:33).
  • The Other Family – You can never repay another family when you rob them of a spouse and parent (6:34-35).
  • Remove any rival before or during your marriage that takes something away from your spouse.

Take Your Next Step
