Secret and Sacred Agents of the Kingdom

Many people stifle their discipleship due to complex relationships in a church or mounting questions regarding the Bible. Discover how you can handle both and not wander away from the faith.
Jerry McCorkle
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Secret and Sacred Agents of the Kingdom

Many people stifle their discipleship due to complex relationships in a church or mounting questions regarding the Bible. Discover how you can handle both and not wander away from the faith.
Jerry McCorkle
1 Peter 1:22-25
  1. Ordinary people scattered to the ends of the earth. (I Peter 1:1, Acts 8:1, Matthew 16:18)
  2. Ordinary people committed to the truth. (vs. 22-25)
  3. Ordinary people characterized by love for each other. (vs. 22 - 23)
  4. Ordinary people sharing Jesus. (vs. 25)
  5. Ordinary people gathered. (Revelation 5)

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