Disciples Have Deep Roots
Satan will use deceitful doctrine to distract disciples from being established in the faith. Disciples must be rooted in Christ and established in biblical doctrine to persevere.

Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor

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Disciples Have Deep Roots
Satan will use deceitful doctrine to distract disciples from being established in the faith. Disciples must be rooted in Christ and established in biblical doctrine to persevere.
February 4, 2018

Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Colossians 2:6-15
Mature Growth (Col. 2:6-7)
- A disciple must have deep roots to experience mature growth.
- Walking with Christ is characterized by steady progress in discipleship.
Biblical Doctrine (Col. 2:8-10)
- Believers are kidnapped by unbiblical doctrine once they begin to believe that Jesus is insufficient.
- If Jesus is completely God, then we are complete in Him.
Complete Forgiveness (Col. 2:11-14)
- If salvation is completely God’s work, then I must experience God’s complete forgiveness.
- If you can’t accept that all of your sins are forgiven, then why did Jesus die on the cross?
Total Victory (Col. 2:15)
- The cross was the defeat of Satan – not the defeat of Jesus.
- Stop giving Satan back the authority that Jesus took from him on the cross.
Next Step:
- What about this sermon am I struggling to accept?
- In which doctrinal areas do I need to water my roots?
- How many of my sins are forgiven?
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