Preparing Your Distinctive Discipleship Plan

As a church, we have seen from God's Word the importance of designing a specific guide for Christian maturity. The Distinctive Discipleship Plan is designed to help you set goals for growth for a set period of time.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor

Preparing Your Distinctive Discipleship Plan

As a church, we have seen from God's Word the importance of designing a specific guide for Christian maturity. The Distinctive Discipleship Plan is designed to help you set goals for growth for a set period of time.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor

The Distinctive Discipleship plan is a targeted guide to mature you for a set time.

This plan is good for an individual, better with a partner, but best with a mentor.

Through our time together, we have looked at 6 categories from Col. 1:27-29 that help us narrow down items that need to be addressed next for our spiritual growth.

  1. I need to delight in Jesus more than:
  2. My disobedience that must be addressed is:
  3. The pivotal doctrine for me to study is:
  4. I need development in learning how to:
  5. I will focus on the spiritual discipline of:
  6. My prayers of dependence will ask God to:

As a church, we want to commit these plans to the Lord's work in our lives. I would recommend you spend some time in the coming days of prayerfully considering what you want to emphasize in your life during this season.

Sample Plan

Here is an example of what a plan might look like:

  1. I need to delight in Jesus more than the approval of others.
    • Action Plan:
      • Research verses on my identity in Christ
      • I will avoid social media every Saturday
      • Find a way to give credit to a co-worker once a week
  2. My disobedience that must be addressed is greed.
    • Action Plan:
      • Memorize 10 verses on the danger of greed
      • Give 12% of my gross income to the church
      • Volunteer at a homeless shelter once a month
  3. The pivotal doctrine for me to study is the Holy Spirit.
    • Action Plan:
      • Journal notes from studying all Spirit passages in the Bible
      • Ask a pastor to recommend the 3 best books on the Holy Spirit
      • Acknowledge the Holy Spirit in morning prayers
  4. I need development in learning how to teach my group better.
    • Action Plan:
      • Watch online courses on how to teach the Bible
      • Design feedback survey for 3 members in the group
      • Record myself teaching and force myself to listen
  5. I will focus on the spiritual discipline of Scripture memory.
    • Action Plan:
      • List out the first 25 verses I need to memorize
      • Research and select a system to keep track of verses
      • Ask Steven to make me recite verses to him weekly
  6. My prayers of dependence will ask God to reconcile my family.
    • Action Plan:
      • I will pray for my family daily by name
      • I will initiate contact with each member once a week
      • I will do my part to live at peach (Rom. 12:18)

Building Your Plan

You can fill it out on a bookmark or reference the printable links below to build your Distinctive Discipleship Plan.

Let's get specific with our plans for discipleship! See you on Sunday!

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