Disobedience: Confronting Your Sinful Leanings

While we all struggle with sin, we are each prone to wander in different ways. For those confronting disobedience in their own lives, God provides a path of escape through every temptation.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Disobedience: Confronting Your Sinful Leanings

While we all struggle with sin, we are each prone to wander in different ways. For those confronting disobedience in their own lives, God provides a path of escape through every temptation.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
1 Corinthians 10:1-13


  • What is your most dangerous sinful leaning?
  • All of us are prone to wander, but each of us is prone to wander in specific ways.
  • We will never make progress if we blame our sin on a condition or a circumstance.
  • It’s difficult to follow Jesus when you continually allow the same sin to entangle you.


  • How can I endure through this temptation?
  • God’s deliverance in salvation should embolden us to persevere through temptation (10:1-5).
  • While all of us experience the same manner of redemption, we do not all struggle with the same type of seduction (10:6-11).
  • The ones nearest to sin are often those who believe they are beyond it (10:12).
  • If we can be faithful through temptation, it is because God is faithful to us (10:13).
  • God has promised to provide an escape route whenever you think sin has backed you into a corner (10:13).


  • How will I confront this disobedience?
    1. Get honest about your sin with God and with another person.
    2. Replace your sinful desire with a righteous pursuit.
    3. Fight against that sin as if your life depends on it.
  • My disobedience that must be addressed is:
  • How?

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