God Will Finish What He Started

God began a good work in you, and He never leaves anything unfinished. While you are not there yet, He will gradually help you make progress.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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God Will Finish What He Started

God began a good work in you, and He never leaves anything unfinished. While you are not there yet, He will gradually help you make progress.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Philippians 1:1-11

God Started Working on You (1:1-2)

  • Jesus saved Paul while he was a murderous Jewish leader who hated Christians (Acts 9:1-19).
  • Jesus saved Timothy, who came from a religiously and ethnically diverse family (Acts 16:1-5).
  • Jesus started the Philippian church by transforming a wealthy Asian (Acts 16:11-15), a demon-possessed slave (Acts 16:16-24), and a Roman jailer (Acts 16:25-40).
  • From these unlikely candidates, God established a church and leaders from within it (1:1).
  • God initiates a relationship with us not because we are worthy, but because He is gracious (1:2).

God Will Finish Working on You (1:3-6)

  • When we consider how God is working among His Church, it should cause us to thank Him for one another (1:3).
  • Our prayers for one another can be filled with joy as we prioritize our partnership in gospel work (1:4-5).
  • God has never left anything unfinished, and He is not intimidated by our incompleteness (1:6).

God Is Currently Working on You (1:7-11)

  • One of the primary ways that God works in our lives is through the consistent presence and affection of a local church (1:7-8).
  • God uses our discipleship efforts to improve our beliefs and our behaviors (1:9-11).
  • God doesn’t expect you to be perfect, but He does equip you to make progress (1:9-11).

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