Even Suffering Can’t Slow Down the Gospel

While we often think that suffering will serve as a blockade towards spiritual growth, it is often the vehicle. Realize that God may want to use that which you want to remove.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Even Suffering Can’t Slow Down the Gospel

While we often think that suffering will serve as a blockade towards spiritual growth, it is often the vehicle. Realize that God may want to use that which you want to remove.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Philippians 1:12-18

The Surprising Nature of Suffering (1:12-13)

  • Paul experienced numerous physical and emotional difficulties (1:12; cf. 2 Cor. 11).
  • Our suffering often places us with unexpected opportunities among unsuspected people (1:13).
  • Use your hardships as a platform for ministry rather than a blockade.

The Surprising Reactions to Suffering (1:14-18)

  • Your perseverance can give courage to others who are facing similar hardships (1:14).
  • Trials often reveal if those around us are supportive servants or bitter believers (1:15-17).
  • Supportive Servants are those who supplement ministry when others are immobilized (1:16).
  • Bitter Believers are those whose jealousy leads them to take advantage of another’s suffering (1:17).
  • Stop filtering every trouble by how it affects you but rather how it promotes the gospel (1:18).

God can renew what you want to remove

  • What suffering do you wish that God would remove from your life right now?
  • If your circumstances don’t change, how could you see God using them for spreading the gospel?

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