Rediscovering Joy

As David encountered testing trials, he confessed that his sure hope in this life and the next was in none other than the LORD. If we desire to rediscover joy, we must reorient our focus upon the only one who can provide it.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Rediscovering Joy

As David encountered testing trials, he confessed that his sure hope in this life and the next was in none other than the LORD. If we desire to rediscover joy, we must reorient our focus upon the only one who can provide it.
June 16, 2019
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Psalm 16

Joy Is Not Found in Yourself [Ps. 16:1-2]

  • If God isn’t your refuge, you are unfortunately trusting in something or someone far less reliable.
  • Anything good in me did not come from me.

Joy Is Not Found in Bad Companions [Ps. 16:3-4]

  • People who want to become more godly resolve to spend time around more godly people.
  • Aligning yourself with halfhearted religious people will dilute your own beliefs and behaviors.

Joy Is Not Found in Worldly Possessions [Ps. 16:5-6]

  • Gaining God’s presence while losing the world’s treasures is never a consolation prize.
  • A sign of mature faith is when you realize that God is all you have and you resolve that God is all you want.
  • How could I complain about what I lack for a few decades knowing what will be mine for an eternity?

Joy Is Found in God’s Presence [Ps. 16:7-11]

  • If you meditate on God’s counsel, it will be readily available when you need it most.
  • God should be the supreme joy in my life and after my death.
  • Walking in God’s path brings a joy unrivaled by any other direction.
  • If I am absent of joy, I am distant from God.
  • The greatest lasting pleasure is securely positioned at the right hand of God – Jesus.

What brings you the greatest joy today?

  • Your Progress
  • Your Companions
  • Your Possessions
  • Your God

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