Pursuing Personal Integrity

David desired to see holiness restored among God’s people, and so he decided to start it by focusing on himself. If we long to see revival, we must pursue our own personal integrity first.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Pursuing Personal Integrity

David desired to see holiness restored among God’s people, and so he decided to start it by focusing on himself. If we long to see revival, we must pursue our own personal integrity first.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Psalm 101

Worshipful Soundtrack [Ps. 101:1]

  • God is deserving of our worship for both His mercy and His justice (101:1).
  • If God isn’t the audience for our singing, it isn’t worship (101:1).
  • As we make music, our souls attempt to express passionately our insufficient gratitude to God (101:1).

Personal Integrity [Ps. 101:2-4]

  • If God has shown us mercy (101:1), we should pursue integrity (101:2).
  • Any pursuit of personal integrity is desperately dependent upon the presence of God (101:2).
  • May those who know me the best see me at my best (101:2).
  • The way to stop doing worthless things is to stop looking at worthless things (101:3).
  • With your disgust of those who have fallen away, don’t neglect an opportunity to learn from their mistakes (101:3-4).

Faithful Friends [Ps. 101:5-8]

  • You can’t avoid sinful people altogether, but you don’t have to allow them open access to your life either (101:5).
  • Surround yourself with faithful people so you will be able to endure when you are faithless (101:6).
  • Distance yourself from people who attempt to distance you from God (101:7-8).
  • Don’t interact as a companion where you should think like a missionary.

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