Worship Is a Lifestyle

David had experienced God’s deliverance repeatedly during his life, and so have we. Such a constant help deserves more than an occasional offering.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Worship Is a Lifestyle

David had experienced God’s deliverance repeatedly during his life, and so have we. Such a constant help deserves more than an occasional offering.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Psalm 34

Worshipping Lifestyle [Ps. 34:1-3]

  • God is so deserving of our worship that a single hour once a week will not suffice (34:1).
  • Prideful people struggle to worship God because the focus isn’t on them (34:2).
  • Vibrant worship should have a contagious element to it (34:3).

Delivered Lifestyle [Ps. 34:4-7]

  • When fear arrests your soul, it is an indication that you believe something to be more powerful than God (34:4).
  • Radiant believers are not those with perfect circumstances but proper perspective (34:5-6).
  • The fear of the LORD is the only acceptable enduring fear (34:7).

Satisfied Lifestyle [Ps. 34:8-14]

  • When you are full of the LORD, every other offering looks less appetizing than it did before (34:8).
  • God does not withhold any necessary thing from his children (34:9-10).
  • If you want to enjoy life to its fullest, live it according to the One who designed it (34:11-14).

Persevering Lifestyle [Ps. 34:15-22]

  • God’s presence will often be felt more in those moments of desperation (34:15-18).
  • Afflictions come to all people, but only God’s people can withstand them (34:19-21).
  • God will never abandon those who seek refuge in Him (34:22).

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