The Reason You Are Still Alive
While heaven might be your desired destination, the earth is your current situation. If you still have life left in you, God has more left for you to do.

Bryce Staggs
Recommission Strategist

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The Reason You Are Still Alive
While heaven might be your desired destination, the earth is your current situation. If you still have life left in you, God has more left for you to do.
February 23, 2020

Bryce Staggs
Recommission Strategist
Philippians 1:19-26
Honoring Christ in Life
- “To live is Christ” means we strive for fruitful labor (1:22, cf. 1:11).
- Paul models a Kingdom motivated life (1:24).
- We honor God by causing others to glorify Him (1:26).
Honoring Christ in Death
- “To die is gain,” means we are given eternal glory (1:23).
- Our outlook on death indicates our genuine salvation (1:23-25).
- How we live and die impacts other believers (1:24-26).
- The more we live as Christ, the more we gain in death.
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