Keep On Keeping On

Christian maturity is a matter of progression instead of perfection. As we follow Jesus, we gradually grow closer to Him in our personal discipleship.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Keep On Keeping On

Christian maturity is a matter of progression instead of perfection. As we follow Jesus, we gradually grow closer to Him in our personal discipleship.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Philippians 3:12-16

Press On (3:12)

  • Christian maturity is a matter of progression instead of perfection.
  • Just because you can’t be perfect doesn’t mean you have to be lazy.
  • We ought to steward our lives well due to the price Christ paid for them.

Look Ahead (3:13-14)

  • You will never move forward if you keep looking back.
  • Past regrets and past successes can be your greatest enemies.
  • Learn from your regrets without obsessing over them.
  • Acknowledge your successes without assuming you will repeat them.

Hold True (3:15-16)

  • God’s will has never been for us to settle into a stagnate faith.
  • We are dependent upon God’s revelation for our spiritual maturity.
  • Accept where you are right now, and keep on keeping on.

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