Stop Your Whining

If we want to make a difference in the world, we must avoid sounding just like the world. We are called to rid ourselves of complaining as we follow Jesus.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Stop Your Whining

If we want to make a difference in the world, we must avoid sounding just like the world. We are called to rid ourselves of complaining as we follow Jesus.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Philippians 2:14-18

5 Reasons Why We Should Stop Whining

  1. Whining Hurts Our Witness
    • When your words sound just like the world’s, no one can tell the difference from you.
  2. Whining Distracts from the Gospel
    • Every word wasted on bad news decreases the opportunities to share the good news.
  3. Whining Overlooks the Promise of Eternity
    • You would have the right to be letdown in this life if you didn’t have your resurrected life to come.
  4. Whining Robs Opportunities to Serve
    • God can use the hardest situations in your life to be the greatest opportunities for impact.
  5. Whining Leaves a Bad Example
    • Your attitude – good or bad – sets the standard for those around you.
    • Are you focusing on the negative more than the positive?
    • Are you disappointed on earth because you are longing for heaven?
    • Have you made your comforts your priority?

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