Seeking Lifelong Discipleship

Just because someone is seasoned does not mean they are scriptural. We need personal commitment and committed disciple-makers to follow God’s ways for the long haul.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Seeking Lifelong Discipleship

Just because someone is seasoned does not mean they are scriptural. We need personal commitment and committed disciple-makers to follow God’s ways for the long haul.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Psalm 119:97-112


  • The Scriptures provide greater wisdom than all of humanity’s opinions combined (119:97-100).
  • Don’t reduce Scripture to information to process, but view it as instructions to apply (119:101-102).
  • The sweetness of God’s Word makes the world’s offerings taste disgusting (119:103-104).
  • Scripture guides us to the paths we should follow and helps us avoid dangerous steps (119:105-106).
  • Don’t allow life’s challenges to decrease your dependence on the Word (119:107-110).
  • The Bible can guide us faithfully through every stage of our lives (119:111-112).


  • Discipleship is the lifelong process of becoming more like Jesus through the guidance of His Word.
  • Jesus wants to see you make progress in the areas that matter most.
  • A great sign of maturity is a personal plan (your discipleship guide) and an intentional investment (a guide for another).

Distinctive Discipleship (a personalized process from Col. 1:28-29)

  • Delight – What rival delight do you need to reprioritize?
  • Disobedience – What sinful area must you address?
  • Doctrine – What scriptural concept do you need to own?
  • Development – What key area do you need to mature?
  • Discipline – What spiritual habit needs greater focus?
  • Dependence – What issue are you praying for God to resolve?

Memory Verse

  • Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path (Psalm 119:105).

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