Generations of Faithfulness

Will your faithful giving through a weekly tithe allow future grandparents to be able to sit in worship beside their grandchildren?
Joy Emery
Connections Coordinator

Generations of Faithfulness

Will your faithful giving through a weekly tithe allow future grandparents to be able to sit in worship beside their grandchildren?
March 16, 2025
Joy Emery
Connections Coordinator

A photograph from the 1930’s located in the history room at Rocky Creek transported Lane Ayscue back to memories of her mom. Lane saw the photograph of a group of children standing on the steps of the church. She noticed one of the girls was her mom,  Mary Lea Butler.

Lane’s mom was a member at Rocky Creek Baptist Church and was part of the church during the time of the Great Depression in the 1930’s. Her mom was raised in a farming community near the church. To keep the church doors open during that time period in history, the farmers found themselves donating to the church using the proceeds from the sales of the produce from their best acres of land.

When the 1940’s rolled around, Rocky Creek Baptist Church experienced another hardship when the church burned to the ground. Lane’s mom lived less than a mile from the church and told stories about walking to church and about the day the church burned. Because of faithful generations of leaders and tithers at Rocky Creek, the church was rebuilt. In 1969, the members built the present sanctuary in which we gather for worship today.

Lane is thankful for those heroes of the faith who made early sacrifices for her to hear about Jesus. As a child, Lane attended Rocky Creek, and she remains a member today. Lane recalls the day she became a Christian.

“We had an interim pastor when I was saved. I remember sitting on the church pew when I was a 9-year-old. I sensed the presence of God and knew it was time for me to follow Jesus. I accepted Christ on Mother’s Day and was baptized on Father’s Day. I vividly remember my salvation story and am thankful for those who made a way for me to hear the Gospel at Rocky Creek.”  

Lane shared that her parents brought her to church. Lane loved going to church as a child. She participated in Sunday School on Sunday mornings, Training Union on Sunday nights, and GA’s on Wednesday nights. She also participated in sports activities like basketball and softball even though she doesn’t consider herself athletic. Lane shared, “I loved the other children at church and my leaders. I am so thankful that Rocky Creek Church was an integral part of my childhood.”

Because life at church was an integral part of her childhood and generations of the past impacted her spiritual growth, Lane wanted to make sure that she and her husband, Mike, also made church a priority for their four children. Today, there are three generations of Ayscues at Rocky Creek - Mike and Lane Ayscue, their daughter Lauren, and her two children Holloway and Chloe. It brings comfort to Lane to know that her daughter (who attends the women’s Gospel Group Lane teaches) and her grandchildren (who are in the student ministry) are part of a church that teaches the Word of God and continues to pass down a rich heritage of faith in Jesus. Cherished church memories are still being made as Lane now gets to worship alongside her daughter and grandkids.

When asked what future generations at Rocky Creek need to think about concerning a continuation of a strong legacy of mission and purpose in discipleship, Lane suggests, “I love my church and pray that we continue to teach the Scriptures. I strongly urge all families to meditate on and to teach their children Deuteronomy 6:5-7.

‘Love the Lord, your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart. Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.’”

While Rocky Creek Church has changed and grown since its beginning in 1834, Lane urges current church members to think about keeping the main thing the main thing - love God with all your heart. When you love the things of God, you will make sacrifices for future generations of believers to be able to sit beside their grandchildren to continue a legacy of faith in the years to come.

Consider your faithful legacy of faith. What are you currently doing to strengthen the church today? Will your faithful giving through a weekly tithe allow future grandparents to be able to sit in worship beside their grandchildren? Will your service at church disciple future generations of Christians who come to know Jesus as Savior because you taught children in VBS or on Sunday morning or Wednesday evening? Ask the Lord to direct you to do your part today.

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