Discipleship Steps

In order to follow the Lord, we must continually make progress in the areas that matter most. Consider how you are using the church’s opportunities for your sanctifying growth.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Discipleship Steps

In order to follow the Lord, we must continually make progress in the areas that matter most. Consider how you are using the church’s opportunities for your sanctifying growth.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor

The great thing about following Jesus is it involves more than a momentary decision. He is still calling us to discipleship. It implies that we are still His students desiring to learn His ways continually.

Join a Gospel Group

  • We don’t want you to be unknown in a growing church. Isolated Christianity doesn’t work. You need others, and others need you.
  • Our Gospel Groups will help you grow in the gospel and go with the gospel.
  • These smaller groups meet throughout the week in different environments. Regardless of age, all groups go through the same curriculum to better facilitate church unity and family discipleship. By committing to a group, you have some people in your corner to celebrate life’s blessings and encourage you through the challenges.
  • We discourage “trying” groups out because it disrupts the community in existing ones. You would challenge for others what you are trying to discover. Don’t worry – we are here to help you find an imperfect group and establish consistent connections within this church family. Within these groups, you will grow as you study the Word and get to know each other. You will also go together as you seek to make a difference in our community.

Make a Discipleship Plan

  • Your discipleship journey should have gradual yet continual progress. Since your situation is unique, we love to help people develop plans as specific as their contexts. The Distinctive Discipleship model is a process – not a program – to help you keep growing.
  • On our website, you can watch videos that help train you. Make sure to utilize tools that design your specific plan and print out helpful tools for your discipleship.
  • Part of your discipleship strategy will most likely include getting into the habit of reading the Bible on your own. We have different Bible reading plans that help you start reading the Scriptures at various levels of commitment. Our church uses wristbands to help encourage conversation with those going through similar plans.

Consider a Cohort

  • Our Men’s and Women’s Ministry focuses on a cohort model. It is an avenue for men and women to go deeper into studying with people in the same process, but with success totally dependent upon how the individual puts the content into practice.
  • Both groups have seasonal open-door events encouraging all to participate and inviting others to join. The cohort gatherings include commitments to read books that correspond with the church’s thematic teaching and focus on pivotal issues. These cohorts gather in regular meetings to go deeper into the content. We also align our courses with cohorts for those who want to apply the content together weekly.

Get Additional Help

Many of life’s challenges don’t fit neatly into a sermon series or group curriculum. That’s why we create additional avenues that supplement your discipleship.

  • Staff Counselors – Our church has male and female counselors available throughout the week to assist you with whatever you need. There is no cost to you because we see it as our ministry opportunity to help you succeed in critical areas of your life.
  • Online Resources—When a sermon sparks the need for an additional resource or an issue requires practical guidance, our church shares helpful articles weekly. You can access this information through the website, app, or email newsletter.
  • Theological Education – Pastor Travis teaches Entrust on Sundays at 6:15 PM in the Fellowship Hall to go deeper with theological courses. We partner with North Greenville University so that seminary students can receive credit for their work, but we structure it so that anyone can come any week and get that course’s materials or receive the content online through a post, video, or podcast.
  • Supplemental Courses – We lead courses that help people in strategic content or support environments. These courses typically last two months and are intended to help with specific information but not to replace Gospel Groups.

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