Development: Cultivating Your Needed Maturity

God has created us for and called us to unique tasks. As particularly gifted and positioned disciples, we each should pursue the needed maturity to do what God has called us to accomplish.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Development: Cultivating Your Needed Maturity

God has created us for and called us to unique tasks. As particularly gifted and positioned disciples, we each should pursue the needed maturity to do what God has called us to accomplish.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Ephesians 4:11-16
  • Distinctive Discipleship – Designing Specific Plans for Christian Maturity
  • Category #4: Development
  • “present everyone mature” (Col. 1:28)


  • Would you label yourself as maturing?
  • You don’t have to be there yet, but you should be getting there.
  • Every believer has been gifted in specific ways requiring distinctive efforts for development.
  • Every believer has been placed in specific contexts warranting unique opportunities for development.


  • What has God called me to accomplish?
  • Using our gifts, we each contribute to one another’s maturity (4:11-12).
  • Our work is incomplete until every church member is fully complete (4:13).
  • The more spiritually mature we are, the less likely we are to drift away (4:14).
  • It requires loving honesty to experience total development (4:15).
  • The more you are who God called you to be, the more others will be who God called them to be (4:16).


  • What part of my life needs further development right now?
  • Your family and church would benefit greatly if you were more intentional with your progressive personal maturity.
  • Your needed area to develop might not be a problem of sinning but a posture of slacking.
  • God did not randomly gift you or haphazardly position you.
  • Work on aligning your development with his calling.
  • I need development in learning how to:
  • How do I plan to mature in this area?

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