Entrust Everything You’ve Got Into Another

Paul instructed his disciple, Timothy, to take everything he had learned and entrust it into others who would turn and do the same thing. To multiply disciples, we must be intentional with our relationships for Kingdom purposes.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Entrust Everything You’ve Got Into Another

Paul instructed his disciple, Timothy, to take everything he had learned and entrust it into others who would turn and do the same thing. To multiply disciples, we must be intentional with our relationships for Kingdom purposes.
April 15, 2018
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
2 Timothy 2:1-7

The Great Commission Recap (Matt. 28:18-20)

  1. Commission to the World – Mission Partnerships
  2. Commitment to the Church – Church Ministries
  3. Commandment for Discipleship – Gospel Groups
  4. Communion with Jesus – Worship Services

The Teacher (2 Tim. 2:1-2)

  • The teacher invests into a student in order to make another teacher.
  • Discipleship was never intended to be a movement grown by addition but by multiplication.

The Solider (2 Tim. 2:3-4)

  • The soldier makes sacrifices for the benefit of others.
  • Make sure whatever you are living for is worth the one life you have to offer.

The Athlete (2 Tim. 2:5)

  • The athlete disciplines himself in order to be crowned.
  • The best way to stay on track during the race is to focus on who is waiting for you behind the finish line.

The Farmer (2 Tim. 2:6)

  • The farmer prepares the soil to experience the harvest.
  • There is no greater reward for a hard-working disciple than when God provides a spiritual harves

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