Prioritizing Holy Habits

To maintain awareness of God’s presence, we must prioritize holy habits to reinforce that reality. Know God better through consistent time committed to spiritual disciplines.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Prioritizing Holy Habits

To maintain awareness of God’s presence, we must prioritize holy habits to reinforce that reality. Know God better through consistent time committed to spiritual disciplines.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Psalm 119:145-160


  • The Scriptures teach us that we can pray to God anytime about anything, anywhere we are (119:145-147).
  • Scripture memory allows God’s truth to be portable in our lives and available whenever we need it (119:147-149).
  • Stay close to the LORD when evil people draw near to stop you from following the Word (119:150-152).
  • Hold on to the hopeful promises in Scripture when life gets challenging (119:153-154).
  • Salvation only remains far from those who reject God’s plan for a new life (119:155-158).
  • If the entirety of Scripture is entirely true, we should lovingly pursue to know all of it (119:159-160).


Why don’t we prioritize holy habits?

  • Laziness (147) – It’s difficult to rise early for holy habits if unholy ones kept you up the night before.
  • Wickedness (150) – A sinful lifestyle will discourage you from practices that will provoke you to change.
  • Ignorance (155) – Many of us are missing life-changing truths because we are simply not putting in the effort to discover them.
  • Opposition (157) – Beware influences that discourage you from prioritizing holy habits.

What habits should we prioritize?

  • Worship (145, 149, 154, 159) – Warm your affections for God by starting your day with worship.
  • Prayer (146, 149, 151, 153) – Develop a varying list of how you will pray about the most important things.
  • Meditation (147, 152, 155, 160) – Commit to a reasonable plan for how you will gradually discover the truth of God’s Word.
  • Memorization (148, 151, 154, 159) – Hide the most necessary verses in your heart so that you won’t sin against God.

Memory Verse

I rise before dawn and cry out for help; I put my hope in your word (Psalm 119:147).

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