Awakening Unmotivated Evangelists

The closer we become to understanding the love of God as portrayed in the Scriptures, the more we should desire others to comprehend it as well. Don’t desensitize yourself to the lostness around you.
Bryant Wright
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Awakening Unmotivated Evangelists

The closer we become to understanding the love of God as portrayed in the Scriptures, the more we should desire others to comprehend it as well. Don’t desensitize yourself to the lostness around you.
Bryant Wright
Psalm 119:129-144
  • The Key to Passion for God’s Word (v. 129-131)
  • Our Dilemma – The Struggle to Live God’s Word (v .132-134)
  • How to pray for others to discover how to trust and obey God’s Word (v. 135-136)
  • What God’s Word tells us about God (v. 137-138)
    • He is righteous. (v.137)
    • He is just. (v. 138)
    • He is faithful. (v. 138)
  • Two different responses to God’s Word (v. 139-144)

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