When Trust Is Broken

Since our words are consistently unreliable, it causes distrust to grow as we relate to one another. When trust is broken, we must find biblical ways to find forgiveness and healing.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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When Trust Is Broken

Since our words are consistently unreliable, it causes distrust to grow as we relate to one another. When trust is broken, we must find biblical ways to find forgiveness and healing.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
  • How Trustworthy Are You?
  • How Much Do You Trust Others?

#1. Never Confuse God for Man

  • God has never once broken a promise, so don’t make him pay for the mistakes of others.
  • Even when people let you down, remember that God is faithful.

#2. Never Make One Pay for the Mistakes of Another

  • We typically carry over significant hurts into other relationships.
  • If in our love we can cover over past offenses, we can enjoy the good of healthy relationships.

#3. Never Overlook a Helpful Lesson

  • Don’t waste a hurt by evaluating what happened and why it happened.
  • To “walk securely,” we must become better even through the pain we experience.

#4. Never Neglect an Opportunity for Reconciliation

  • If you broke the trust, you must commit to earning the trust again.
  • If your trust is broken, you must clarify what needs to be shown to give it again.

#5. Never Use Pain as an Excuse for Sin

  • It is unhealthy to justify your own sin because of what has been done to you.
  • Don’t add more pain to the pain you have already experienced.

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