When It’s Not What It’s Supposed to Be

Once Nehemiah heard the condition of God’s people, his brokenness led him to prayer. When our circumstances are not what they are supposed to be, do we approach God for His help?
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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When It’s Not What It’s Supposed to Be

Once Nehemiah heard the condition of God’s people, his brokenness led him to prayer. When our circumstances are not what they are supposed to be, do we approach God for His help?
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Nehemiah 1

Nehemiah’s Example

  • While Nehemiah was personally secure during the exile, he was still deeply burdened by the state of God’s people (1:1-3).
  • Before deciding what he ought to do, Nehemiah took his deep troubles to God in prayer (1:4-5).
  • Nehemiah confessed both personal and corporate rebellion against God’s Word (1:6-7).
  • Nehemiah built his prayerful requests upon God’s scriptural promises (1:8-9).
  • Nehemiah’s concern for the people’s good was emboldened for the sake of God’s glory (1:10-11).
  • As a trusted servant of the king, God had sovereignly positioned Nehemiah before he had ever considered doing something (1:11).

Our Response

  • Pray – If the spiritual condition of the people of God doesn’t currently move us to desperate prayer, we aren’t paying attention.
  • Repent – We shouldn’t be surprised that much of the Church has lost its power when so many professing believers have neglected His Word.
  • Reorient – Consider how God’s agenda may involve more than simply making your life circumstantially better.
  • Evaluate – Consider how God has intentionally placed you for His glorious purposes.

When it’s not what it’s supposed to be, pray to the only One who knows what it ought to be.

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