When the Word is Central

As the people gathered together, Ezra, the scribe, read God’s Word to the assembly to obey it. When the Word is central among the people of God, we can better operate the way God intended us to live.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Bible Reading

When the Word is Central

As the people gathered together, Ezra, the scribe, read God’s Word to the assembly to obey it. When the Word is central among the people of God, we can better operate the way God intended us to live.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Nehemiah 8

Nehemiah’s Example

  • All the people united to hear God’s Word explained to them for comprehension and application (8:1-4).
  • Worship was the people’s response to hearing God’s revelation (8:5-6).
  • They positioned leaders among the people to rid themselves of biblical unclarity (8:7-8).
  • The truth that God joyfully loved weak people like themselves was all the strength they needed to continue (8:9-10).
  • A proper understanding of Scripture should bring about both repentance and rejoicing (8:11-12).
  • They trained family leaders to apply the Word within their homes (8:13-15).
  • The people remembered how far they’d come, how good they had it, and how quickly they could lose it (8:16-18).

Our Response

  • Personal Habits – Commit to a reasonable plan to increase your knowledge of the Word.
  • Family Rhythms – Initiate simple opportunities for your family to seek the Lord together.
  • Church Commitments – Resolve to gather with the church regularly with an open Bible and an eager spirit.

When the Word is central, we can better comprehend God’s joy and discern His direction.

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