6 Things to Do When You Start a Bible Reading Plan

If you struggle with consistently reading the Word, you are not alone, but that doesn’t mean you have to remain where you are.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Bible Reading

6 Things to Do When You Start a Bible Reading Plan

If you struggle with consistently reading the Word, you are not alone, but that doesn’t mean you have to remain where you are.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor

If you struggled with consistently reading the Word, you are not alone, but that doesn’t mean that you have to remain where you are.

It’s difficult to hit something if you aren’t aiming at it.  Many people fail at Bible reading because they don’t have a plan.  There are many great reading plans out there, but regardless of which one you choose, it is easy to get slack.

As you go through a Bible reading plan, here are some things to consider:

  1. Pray.  Pray that God will speak to you through his Word before you begin.  You need God to open your eyes to Scripture (Eph. 1:18; 1 Cor. 2:14; John 14:26).
  2. Plan.  Your schedule can get hectic.  Plan when you will read and set yourself up for success.  You must make it a priority to redeem your time (Eph. 5:16).
  3. Partner.  Find someone who can keep you accountable (Prov. 27:17; Heb. 10:24-25; Acts 17:11).  Partner together with a friend or your family to keep each other on track.
  4. Persist.  Don’t quit if you miss a day or a week.  If you missed yesterday, don’t let that hinder you from today. Persist in reading (Prov. 24:16)!
  5. Present.  Don’t keep all you are learning to yourself.  Present a truth you learned through a conversation, letter, text, social media post, etc. Learn to present what you are learning to others (Ezra 7:10; 1 Cor. 11:1)!
  6. Prepare.  As you learn, begin preparing yourself regarding what you will read after this plan ends.  If you stay consistent, you are developing a habit that you don’t want to lose (Josh. 1:8; Ps. 119:10).

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