When We Celebrate God’s Work

As the people dedicated the wall’s completion, a joyous celebration commenced. When we celebrate God’s work, we should be known by sincere thanksgiving.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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When We Celebrate God’s Work

As the people dedicated the wall’s completion, a joyous celebration commenced. When we celebrate God’s work, we should be known by sincere thanksgiving.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Nehemiah 12

Nehemiah’s Example

  • Spiritual leaders had to coordinate so that God’s people could connect to God at all times (12:1-29).
  • God purified the leaders, the congregation, and the places to be set apart for worship (12:30).
  • The wall proved to be (12:31) greater than the nobles assumed (3:5) and sturdier than their enemies imagined (4:3).
  • The leaders ensured that worship encircled the city and permeated their gatherings (12:31-42).
  • The people had such great joy in God that the surrounding area took notice (12:43).
  • The people sacrificed financial means so that the leaders could focus on spiritual matters (12:44-47).

Our Response

  • Our leadership is tasked to help you connect with God, but you have to take advantage of the opportunities.
  • Don’t expect to meet with God when you give little preparation to do so.
  • Considering what God has done for us should propel us to the type of worship that He deserves.
  • Outsiders may not believe what we sing, but they should believe that we believe it by the way that we sing it.

When we celebrate God’s work, it should be impossible to hide our joy.

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