You Can't Make It On Your Own

You Can’t Make It On Your Own - In Paul’s concluding remarks to the Colossians, he provides personal comments regarding specific ministry partners. Within these comments, Paul models the type of friends that a disciple will need to continue towards maturity.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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The Church

You Can't Make It On Your Own

You Can’t Make It On Your Own - In Paul’s concluding remarks to the Colossians, he provides personal comments regarding specific ministry partners. Within these comments, Paul models the type of friends that a disciple will need to continue towards maturity.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Colossians 4:7-18

Why Mention These People?

  • A commitment to Jesus is a commitment to His people.
  • Our beliefs and our behaviors were never intended to be lived out in isolation.
  • You are deceiving yourself if you think you can live for Jesus on your own.

Who Are These People?

  1. Tychichus (Col. 4:7-8) – Consistent Servant – The Kingdom of God is advanced through ordinary people doing ordinary things consistently.
  2. Onesimus (Col. 4:9) – Returned Runaway – God’s ability to use us is not determined by the degree of our sinful past.
  3. Aristarchus (Col. 4:10) – Empathetic Companion – We all need people who will do more than hurt for us but those who will hurt with us.
  4. Mark (Col. 4:10) – Restored Partner – If God isn’t finished with us, then we shouldn’t be finished with each other either.
  5. Justus (Col. 4:11) – Faithful Comforter – Regardless of your situation, you can experience great comfort if the people closest to you are closest to Jesus.
  6. Epaphras (Col. 4:12-13) – Prayer Warrior – Those who agonize in prayer are those who succeed in ministry.
  7. Luke (Col. 4:14) – Available Helper – God’s call might not be for you to leave your job for the ministry but to use your job for the ministry.
  8. Demas (Col. 4:14) – Worldly Wanderer – Starting well in ministry does not guarantee finishing well.
  9. Nympha (Col. 4:15-16) – Hospitable Disciple-Maker – The church grows by those who open up their homes and open up their lives to others.
  10. Archippus (Col. 4:17) – Incomplete Minister – Be diligent to fulfill the ministry that God has entrusted to you.

Next Step

  1. Invite a friend
  2. Join a group
  3. Commit to the church

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