Order In The Church

Churches can easily drift from the biblical mandate. God’s Word provides specific directions to bring order within a church family
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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The Church

Order In The Church

Churches can easily drift from the biblical mandate. God’s Word provides specific directions to bring order within a church family
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Titus 1:1-9

God wants his church discipled

  • I serve God; I’m sent by God – not the other way around.
  • Election can either become a nuisance, an avoidance, or an obsession.
  • The most foundational element of election is being in awe that God would actually desire any of us.
  • Faith leads to knowledge.  Knowledge leads to godliness.  Godliness leads to hope.
  • Justification is the declaration of holiness.  Sanctification is the process of holiness.  Glorification is the completion of holiness.
  • Salvation is not the finishing line – it is the starting line.

God wants his church organized

  • Every church desperately needs convictional and directional unity.
  • God appoints leaders in the church to set things in order.
  • The most effective Christians are the ones who see themselves as part of something bigger than just their personal lives.

God wants his church guided

  • It’s hard to lead you somewhere if I don’t know the way.
  • God expects pastors to lead with integrity within the home (1:6), community (1:7-8), and church (1:9).
  • Follow leaders who show devotion to their family, their conduct, and their doctrine.
  • It should be easy for believers to submit to leaders who submit to God.

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