How Much Should I Prioritize Church?

With so many expectations on us, what does committing to a church realistically look like? As we study the early church, we will see God’s intention that the church is to be more than a service you casually attend.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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The Church

How Much Should I Prioritize Church?

With so many expectations on us, what does committing to a church realistically look like? As we study the early church, we will see God’s intention that the church is to be more than a service you casually attend.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Acts 2:42-47

Current Trend

  • Devaluing the priority and the purpose of the church has dramatically decreased our expectations and effectiveness.
  • Worldly standards have invaded our understanding of church health and spiritual growth.
  • We will never experience the full-time benefits of the church with part-time commitments.

Biblical Example [Acts 2:42-47]

  • Available – Mutually beneficial relationships will never be cultivated by occasional gatherings and shallow interactions.
  • Willing – Healthy church members realize that membership isn’t always about what you get but about what you give.
  • Expectant – The local church provides the proper context for God to say what only He can say and to do what only He can do.

Personal Application

  • To prioritize the church, each of us will have to learn how to say either yes, no, or maybe.
  • Yes – Train yourself to think of the church as a people to whom you belong and not just a service which you attend.
  • No – You will never experience the necessary biblical community if you prioritize an imposter church with an insufficient gospel.
  • Maybe – Being the church may not require doing different things but simply doing them in different ways.

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