What Does the Church Have to Offer Me?

Many people will join a church based on what it has to offer their specific situations. Instead of focusing on what the church can provide for you, have you ever considered how you can use your gifts to bless the church?
Bryce Staggs
Recommission Strategist
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The Church

What Does the Church Have to Offer Me?

Many people will join a church based on what it has to offer their specific situations. Instead of focusing on what the church can provide for you, have you ever considered how you can use your gifts to bless the church?
Bryce Staggs
Recommission Strategist
1 Corinthians 12:12-31

Current Trend

  • Our consumer-driven societyhas developed consumer-driven churches.
  • Churches often satisfy the members at the expense of the mission.
  • The temptation is to find comfort that does not require investment.
  • Seeking to have our preferences met prevents us from meeting the needs of others.

Biblical Example [1 Cor. 12:12-31]

  • All gifts are a blessing from God.
  • Lie #1: Because of my gifts, I am not valuable (12:12-14)
  • The church’s ability to function properly depends on its unity within diversity. (12:12-13)
  • Lie #2: Because of my gifts, I do not need anyone. (12:21)
  • Part of the body may seem insignificant, but when it suffers it jeopardizes the life of the entire body. (12:24-26)
  • The most important gift of any believer is love. (12:30-31)

Personal Application

  • Our willingness to invest in others is a demonstration of our faith in God’s design.
  • Committing to serve a way for others to experience what you have experienced.
  • In what ways could you consider contributing to our church family?

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