All Talk

Many can profess doctrinal clarity but few can practice ethical purity. As believers, we cannot be all talk in our commitment.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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The Church

All Talk

Many can profess doctrinal clarity but few can practice ethical purity. As believers, we cannot be all talk in our commitment.
March 19, 2017
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Titus 1:10-16

Recognize a False Teacher (Titus 1:10-12)

  • False teachers often superimpose their authority over God’s authority.
  • Too many people read the Bible as a yearbook – they only read the pages that highlight themselves.
  • False teachers will say anything, do anything, and avoid anything to benefit their agenda.

Rebuke a False Teacher (Titus 1:13-14)

  • If confrontation is the means, restoration is the goal.
  • Seek to win the person – not the argument.
  • Teach others to avoid man-made superstitions and to embrace God-given revelation.

Redeem a False Teacher (Titus 1:15-16)

  • God’s truth is the only force powerful enough to combat Satan’s lies.
  • You can’t clean up the inside by simply shining up the outside.
  • Good works from a bad heart are actually bad works.
  • How well can you discern God’s truth from error?
  • My standard will be inside me, beside me, behind me, or above me.

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