Why the Church Is Still Essential

Our culture recently debated if a church’s services should be deemed essential during times of emergency. We realize a church’s necessity through the Scripture and our experiences.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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The Church

Why the Church Is Still Essential

Our culture recently debated if a church’s services should be deemed essential during times of emergency. We realize a church’s necessity through the Scripture and our experiences.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
1 Peter 2:4-10

We can never deem the church unessential because it is more than a place to gather; it is a people to belong.

Biblical Text

  • Even if the world doesn’t see Jesus as essential, God has chosen Him as the only way to salvation (2:4).
  • A church is not a building but a people who fit together to build something beyond themselves (2:5).
  • The healthiest church is when every member is actively responsible for its ministry (2:5).
  • Peter clarified that no person, including himself, is the bedrock of the Church; Jesus is the only foundation (2:6).
  • You can be in a church building but not part of the church body; it all depends on if you stand or stumble regarding Jesus (2:7-8).
  • God surprisingly desires us to belong to Him and His purposes exclusively (2:9).
  • God’s mercy invites us to Him and gathers us to one another (2:10).

Our Context

  • If you want to live in heaven forever, you must believe the gospel now.
  • You need a church, and a church needs you.
  • Your growth in this church is contingent upon your commitment to it.
  • We are making disciples who take personal responsibility for Kingdom activity.
  • Let us steward our moment well to build on what Jesus started and what others have sacrificed to continue.

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