Is Church Membership Even Biblical?

While the phrase, “church membership” is not in the Bible, the concept grounds the New Testament message and methods. Devoting yourself to a local church is essential for your soul and helpful for your congregation.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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The Church

Is Church Membership Even Biblical?

While the phrase, “church membership” is not in the Bible, the concept grounds the New Testament message and methods. Devoting yourself to a local church is essential for your soul and helpful for your congregation.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Acts 6:1-7

Current Trend

  • We have sold an incomplete gospel if we advertise the potential of avoiding hell while giving permission to ignore the church.
  • Many people falsely pit a relationship with Jesus against membership with a local church.
  • You will never have a vibrant relationship with Jesus if you consistently claim you can’t stand His bride.
  • Church membership is a method for Christians to communicate our responsibility for each other.

Biblical Example [Acts 6:1-7]

  • The early church was completely aware of and responsible for those who belonged to them.
  • The church was growing with different types of people each having different types of needs and gifts.
  • As they experienced growing pains, leaders and servants came together to address the needs of those within the church.
  • Within the New Testament, you never see one example of a Christian attempting to follow Jesus on his or her own.
  • Extra References: Acts 1:4; 1:15; 2:38; 2:41; 4:4; 5:12; 8:3; 9:28; 11:26; 20:29-30; Rom. 12:10; Heb. 13:17; 1 Pet. 5:2; 1 John 2:19.

Personal Application

  • Refuse to stagger with an isolated attempt at Christianity for what it causes you and others to miss.
  • Discipleship is not designed to work outside of the context of relationships.
  • Decide to commit to this local church wholeheartedly or find another one that you can.
  • Next Step: What is your next step towards the people of Rocky Creek?
    • Salvation?
    • Baptism?
    • Membership?
    • Group?
    • Service?

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