God Exalts and Satan Devours

God has a plan to lift us up, but Satan has another plan to take us down. We must learn the path of humility to continue firm in the faith, undeterred by our enemy’s plans.
Alex Gore
Student Pastor
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Spiritual Warfare

God Exalts and Satan Devours

God has a plan to lift us up, but Satan has another plan to take us down. We must learn the path of humility to continue firm in the faith, undeterred by our enemy’s plans.
December 15, 2024
Alex Gore
Student Pastor
1 Peter 5:6-9
  • If we humble ourselves, we acknowledge our frail wisdom in light of God’s infinite wisdom. (v. 6) 
  • True humility accepts the power of God’s hand over any human might that one could even muster. (v. 6)
  • Christ exalts the Christian to demonstrate his mercy toward his children. (v. 6)
  • Casting our anxieties on God requires complete surrender and complete trust in God’s mighty hand. (v. 7)
  • As Christians, we have a personal God who cares about our personal mental state. (v. 7)

Preparing for War

  • Preparing for war requires a mind clear of anxieties, not a mind clouded by circumstances. (v. 8)
  • A watchful Christian looks for the enemy’s schemes instead of overlooking them. (v. 8)
  • If the devil is seeking to devour us, we better be prepared to use the power imparted to us. (vv. 8-9)
  • Christians should resist the devil like their life depended upon it because it does. (v. 9)
  • The number one thing the enemy wants a Christian to feel in a time of suffering is loneliness, not comforted or loved. (v. 9)

Fighting the War

  • Humility demands us to acknowledge Jesus who knows the devil who is out to kill, steal, and destroy us.
  • The full armor of God is the tool we need to combat the devil.
  • Community can be a powerful byproduct of suffering whenever Christians bond together.

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