The Spiritual Warfare All Around Us

God sent messengers to Daniel to reveal how earthly conflicts are connected to spiritual warfare. If we don’t acknowledge that we are in a war, we will most definitely experience significant defeat.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Spiritual Warfare

The Spiritual Warfare All Around Us

God sent messengers to Daniel to reveal how earthly conflicts are connected to spiritual warfare. If we don’t acknowledge that we are in a war, we will most definitely experience significant defeat.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Daniel 10:1-21

The quickest way to lose a battle is to forget that you are in a war.

The Context (10:1-3)

  • A remnant returned to rebuild Jerusalem, but Daniel was greatly burdened with the knowledge of their ongoing conflict (1).
  • Daniel applied intentional and costly effort to discern God’s direction (2-3).

The Vision (10:4-9)

  • God helps us not by showing us more of our circumstances but revealing more of Himself (4-6).
  • If you see God for who He truly is, you will not leave thinking more about yourself (7-9).

The Conflict (10:10-17)

  • Behind every earthly battle, there is a spiritual war raging beyond our vantage point (10-12).
  • Demonic forces work in people and among governments to oppose God’s Kingdom work (13-17).

The Encouragement (10:18-21)

  • The only way to endure Satan’s great opposition is to be confident of God’s great love (18-19).
  • If you have recently experienced spiritual victory, you should anticipate additional conflicts (20-21).


  • A demon probably isn’t behind all of your problems.
  • A demon probably is behind some of your problems.
  • You don’t fight spiritual battles with physical means (Eph. 6:10-20).

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