The Dragon Outside The Nativity

The Book of Revelation reveals a different perspective that happened at the birth of Jesus. While the enemy comes to bring chaos, Jesus has come and will come again to bring peace.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Spiritual Warfare

The Dragon Outside The Nativity

The Book of Revelation reveals a different perspective that happened at the birth of Jesus. While the enemy comes to bring chaos, Jesus has come and will come again to bring peace.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Revelation 12:1-17

The Anticipation

  • You will never experience peace until you wake up to the fact that you are at war.
  • Unseen spiritual battles have raged since the beginning of time and are not slowing down.
  • Satan has waged a war against the children of God and will not let up until his final defeat.

The Incarnation

  • God’s people waited in agony for the arrival of the Messiah.
  • Satan is the instigator behind all evil kings and kingdoms who come against God’s people.
  • The forces of Satan did everything they could to stop the coming of Jesus but failed miserably.

The Confirmation

  • After Jesus’ ascension, Satan concentrated his attacks on Jesus in the only place he could reach him – Christ in you, the hope of glory.
  • As trials come to the Church during this season, a testing and yet refining purification takes place.
  • The reason we can’t experience peace is because we are trying to fight spiritual battles with physical means.

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