Obedience Over Feelings

Joseph thought he had been betrayed by Mary and yet surrendered his personal feelings to obey God’s commands. In our relationships, we must submit to God’s Word to experience God’s peace.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Obedience Over Feelings

Joseph thought he had been betrayed by Mary and yet surrendered his personal feelings to obey God’s commands. In our relationships, we must submit to God’s Word to experience God’s peace.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Matthew 1:18-25

The Problem(Matt. 1:18-19)

  • Submitting to God’s plan can often involve surrendering your reputation.
  • Joseph chose to extend grace when he experienced disgrace.
  • Joseph’s character was not created in that moment but revealed in that moment.

The Promise(Matt. 1:20-23)

  • God’s plans are promised in Scripture and performed by the Spirit.
  • When Joseph was fearful of the future, God reminded him regarding the promises of the past.
  • Man gets the credit for sin; God gets the credit for salvation.

The Process(Matt. 1:24-25)

  • God’s commands are powerful enough to tame your feelings.
  • If you wait to obey until you feel like it, you will never get around to it.
  • Our unnecessary involvement in God’s work makes his invitation all the more humbling.

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