Dangerous Entitlements
As the people began to undertake God’s work, they wrongfully assumed they were good with Him. Beware of dangerous entitlements that make you believe God owes you something in your obedience.
Dangerous Entitlements
As the people began to undertake God’s work, they wrongfully assumed they were good with Him. Beware of dangerous entitlements that make you believe God owes you something in your obedience.
- Just because you have done good things for God does not guarantee that you are good with God.
- The prophet Haggai asked the priests if holiness was transferrable (2:10-11).
- Being around holy things doesn’t make you holy (2:12).
- Being around unholy things will make you unholy (2:13).
- God disciplined His people who were doing the right thing before getting their hearts right (2:14).
- God is willing to withhold blessing from our efforts to get our attention (2:15-19).
- God granted authority to His servant for the sake of the nations (2:20-23).
- Beware the dangerous entitlement that assumes your activity with religious things secures your relationship with God.
- You will never experience personal holiness if you stay comfortable with unholy things.
- Sin defiled us to death.
- The lineage of Zerubbabel leads us to Jesus, who can bring us back to life.
- Choose repentance over discipline.
- Work from forgiveness – not for it.