Misplaced Priorities

God’s people put their comfort over His concerns. We must constantly evaluate if misplaced priorities have taken us.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Misplaced Priorities

God’s people put their comfort over His concerns. We must constantly evaluate if misplaced priorities have taken us.
February 23, 2025
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Haggai 1:1-6


  • King Cyrus of Persia permitted the release of the exiled Israelites so they could return home (Ezra 1:1-4).
  • Most Jewish people had become so comfortable that they declined the offer to return to the Promised Land (Isa. 10:21).
  • The remnant immediately rebuilt the temple’s foundation, but after sixteen years, the work was still incomplete (Ezra 3:10).


  • Haggai’s message came from God and to the civil leader and religious leader (1:1).
  • The LORD of the angelic armies would only ask mere people for something if they needed to give it (1:2).
  • God is fully aware of what we do, say, and think (1:2).
  • Continuing to put off God’s work indicates that you value something more (1:2).
  • God’s people had little to offer God because they had invested solely in themselves (1:3-4).
  • God knows we often need to pause our schedule and consider our ways (1:5).
  • God’s people overlooked His agenda to prioritize luxuries that were unable to satisfy (1:6).


  • Time – We lose an unthinkable amount of hours due to ongoing distractions and undeserving devotions.
  • Money – To receive an abundance of blessings and to offer only occasional leftovers is an insult to God.
  • Efforts – When we take God for granted, we offer Him attempts we would never dream of giving to anyone else.
  • Showing indifference to God’s instructions reveals a devaluing of God’s presence.
  • Are you guilty of making God a small deal in your life?

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