Equal Sacrifices

God called His people to repent of their selfish ways, but He called for more than a somber acknowledgment. They distinguished their repentance through their call for equal sacrifices.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Equal Sacrifices

God called His people to repent of their selfish ways, but He called for more than a somber acknowledgment. They distinguished their repentance through their call for equal sacrifices.
March 2, 2025
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Haggai 1:7-15
  • What you do with what you have is more important than what you could do with what you lack.


  • God desires you to consider your ways before worrying about someone else’s (1:7).
  • The people had to work harder for resources because of how they had already depleted them (1:8).
  • Gatherings for God should have the glory of God as their priority (1:8).
  • God is not hesitant to humble His people even if it slows their progress (1:9-11).
  • The best barometer for spiritual health is how we respond to God’s instructions (1:12).
  • God stays consistent when we become distant (1:13).
  • A change of heart is proven by a change in actions (1:14-15).


  • God doesn’t expect His people to give equal amounts but equal sacrifices.
  • To experience the presence of God in the presence of others always involves surrender.
  • Don’t see involvement in God’s agenda as an inconvenience. 
  • Is God pleased with your present offerings to Him?

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