Don’t Be Needy When Giving to the Needy

Jesus expects us to give, but he desires that we not give with a need to be noticed. The only recognition that a generous heart should seek comes from God.
Taylor Wolfe
Missions Pastor
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Don’t Be Needy When Giving to the Needy

Jesus expects us to give, but he desires that we not give with a need to be noticed. The only recognition that a generous heart should seek comes from God.
Taylor Wolfe
Missions Pastor
Matthew 6:1-4

Don’t be needy when giving to the needy; rather be a giver, who needs to give.

What’s your motivation for giving? (6:1)

  • Jesus gives caution to practicing our righteousness with a motive that seeks the praises of people.
  • When the applause of others is at the heart of our actions, the condition of our heart is exposed.
  • Action on your part, that seeks a reaction on their part, is a distraction from the Father.

What’s your methodology in giving? (6:2-4)

  • Jesus expects us to meet needs and give to the needy.
  • God desires for our external displays of our righteousness to be consistent with that which is happening internally.
  • Joy-filled, generous giving is a not a penalty for those who follow Jesus but rather an opportunity to join Him in meeting needs.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • When you give, who is your audience and what is your motive?
  • Who will receive honor and glory from this?
  • What is my reward?

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