The Fulfillment We Need

The coming of Christ was the fulfillment of the Old Testament expectations and the requirement for our own righteousness. Jesus came from heaven so we could go to heaven.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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The Fulfillment We Need

The coming of Christ was the fulfillment of the Old Testament expectations and the requirement for our own righteousness. Jesus came from heaven so we could go to heaven.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Matthew 5:17-20

How much claim did Jesus practically have on your life this week?

The Christ Fulfillment (17-18)

  • Literal: Jesus fulfilled at least 300 Old Testament prophecies given hundreds of years before he was born.
  • Lifestyle: Jesus lived a perfect life and never disobeyed any of God’s commands.
  • Lasting: We can trust in the promises of God because of the Bible’s unrelenting reliability

The Christian Fulfillment (19-20)

  • Precision: If the Bible is truly God’s Word, no society should require an update.
  • Prevalence: If the Word is worth knowing, it is also worth applying and spreading.
  • Priority: The true disciple is concerned with obedience more than reputation.


  • If Jesus is who He says He is, then we need to be who He calls us to be.
  • How much claim will Jesus practically have on your life this coming week?

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