Creation Killed The Creator's Son

As the opposition to Jesus increased, He told a parable foreshadowing what would happen to Him on the cross. Just like those opponents, anyone who rejects Jesus rejects the Father who sent Him.
Bryce Staggs
Recommission Strategist
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Creation Killed The Creator's Son

As the opposition to Jesus increased, He told a parable foreshadowing what would happen to Him on the cross. Just like those opponents, anyone who rejects Jesus rejects the Father who sent Him.
Bryce Staggs
Recommission Strategist
Mark 11:27-12:12

Jesus Is Challenged (Mark 11:27-33)

  • The religious leaders’ true beliefs were hidden in their questions (v. 28).
  • Jesus’ authority always demands a response (v. 30).
  • Be careful not to let pride or fear prevent you from encountering Jesus (v.33).

Jesus Is Rejected (Mark 12:1-12)

  • Characters in the parable
    • Man/ Builder: God the Father
    • Vineyard: Israel/ God’s people
    • Tenants: Religious Leaders
    • Servants: Prophets
    • Son: Jesus
  • In Isaiah the problem is a fruitless vineyard, in Mark, the problem is wicked tenants (v.1-5).
  • Jesus was rejected, not because he was misunderstood, but because he was understood all too well (v. 6-8).
  • Rejection of Jesus leads to destruction, but acceptance of Jesus leads to resurrection (v. 10-11).

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