Were The Whole Realm Of Nature Mine

As Jesus prepares for His sacrificial offering on the cross, Mary prepared a sacrificial offering for Him through an alabaster jar. As followers of Jesus, there is no gift too extravagant to lay before our Savior.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
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Were The Whole Realm Of Nature Mine

As Jesus prepares for His sacrificial offering on the cross, Mary prepared a sacrificial offering for Him through an alabaster jar. As followers of Jesus, there is no gift too extravagant to lay before our Savior.
Travis Agnew
Lead Pastor
Mark 14:1-11

The Woman’s Gift (Mark 14:1-3)

  • You will never give Jesus an adequate response if you are worried about the approval of the crowd (14:2, 6).
  • You never regret giving something of value for something you value more (14:3).
  • The truest offerings are those that can never be taken back (14:3).

The Critics’ Reaction (Mark 14:4-9)

  • In your attempt to demean the offering that someone gives, you might actually be demeaning the Recipient (14:4).
  • Many people criticize others’ offerings in an attempt to distract you from their own stinginess (14:5-7).
  • A sensitivity to the ways of the Lord allows you to participate in moments that others simply miss (14:8).
  • Halfway efforts never make worldwide impacts (14:9).

The Betrayer’s Catalyst (Mark 14:10-11)

  • Our response when Jesus differs from our expectations reveals the motive of our commitment (14:10).
  • There are two types of followers of Jesus: those who want Jesus and those who want what Jesus can give.
    • Mary’s gift was 300 denarii = 300 days’ wages
    • Judas’ bounty was 30 shekels = 120 days’ wages
  • The benefit of betrayal is never equal to the cost of surrender (14:11).

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